

At Kingsbury Primary School, the major goal of our Mathematics curriculum is to provide students with purposeful and challenging activities that build on their understandings.

Teachers adopt a “Whole School Approach” which ensures that there is consistency in teaching and learning across the school. Teaching teams develop year and term planners, and share knowledge, skills and resources to ensure the specific needs of their students are met. The Victorian Curriculum: Mathematics is based upon essential mathematical skills and knowledge in Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability.

Our Mathematics program stimulates interest and curiosity, promotes questioning and connects learning to real world experiences.

Our program fosters positive relationships with and between students to develop shared expectations for learning and interacting. Teachers explicitly teach relevant knowledge, concepts and skills ensuring the content is presented in multiple ways. They progressively assess students’ understanding and provide opportunities for them to practise new skills. Teachers structure tasks by eliciting students’ prior knowledge and then enabling them to make connections to past learning experiences. They present a purpose for learning, determining challenging learning goals and making assessment and performance requirements clear.